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Should You Replace Your Furnace in Elberton, GA?

Must Replace Furnace

Winter in Elberton, GA, can be unpredictable and downright cold at times. As such, a well-functioning furnace is essential to keep you warm. Before the chilly weather arrives, your furnace may need a repair or even a replacement. Read on to learn some signs that it’s time to replace that old furnace.

Your Home Feels Uncomfortable

As your furnace ages and begins to lose heating ability, your home can experience uncomfortable temperature-related problems. Some rooms may be warm and toasty, while others remain cold enough to require cardigans and gloves. Your home may be too humid and have biological growth or be too dry, causing itchy eyes and throat.

The Furnace Makes Unusual Noises

If your once quiet furnace now hums and rattles loudly enough to get on your nerves, it’s a sign that replacement is on the horizon. There may be cracks or other structural damage issues that make your furnace obsolete.

Rising Energy Costs

It’s normal for your energy bill to rise during the coldest months of the year, but a steady and unexplained uptick is a sign that your furnace needs replacement. This rise in bills signifies a furnace that’s working harder to get the same heating results.

Repairs Are Too Frequent

All furnaces need repairs from time to time. When repairs become the norm, though, it’s time to install a new furnace. The sooner you do this, the more money you’ll save on repairs.

Your Furnace is Showing Its Age

Your furnace should be free from signs of rust and corrosion. If it’s not, or if the furnace has been running for 15 years or more, it’s time to start thinking about getting a new model.

Have you decided that it’s time for a new furnace? Give McGee Heating & Air Inc. a call and ask about our furnace installation services. Our team looks forward to working with you!

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