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5 Common HVAC Lies You Shouldn’t Believe Anymore in Athens, GA

Enjoying Efficient HVAC

When it comes to heating or cooling your Athens, GA, home, there’s so much misinformation floating around. Although these myths can’t cause any severe HVAC system problems, learning about them can help you extend your system’s useful lifespan and save you time and money. Here are five common HVAC lies you shouldn’t believe anymore:

You Only Need to Change Your Air Filter Once a Year

One of the effective ways of keeping your HVAC system functioning is to keep the air filters clean. Whether you replace a disposable air filter or clean a permanent one, always ensure that your filters are clean. Otherwise, they can cause a mechanical breakdown, efficiency loss or total system failure if you leave them dirty for too long.

As a result, you’ll have to deal with expensive repair and replacement costs. Plus, dirty air filters negatively affect indoor air quality. That’s why you should check and change your filter at least once a month.

Routine Checks are a Waste of Time and Money

As long as your air conditioning system runs effectively, there’s no need to have an HVAC expert check it. Probably, your cooling system is perfectly normal and will remain that way for years to come. Both of these statements are wrong.

It’s true that the advancement of HVAC technology has made current models more reliable than ever before. But that doesn’t make your system flawless. A mechanical problem can arise even as the HVAC system functions normally.

So, to ensure energy efficiency and long-term operating reliability, schedule HVAC maintenance. One of our service technicians will identify potential mechanical issues and nip them in the bud. Even better, these routine maintenance checks prevent efficiency loss due to wear, tear and dust accumulation.

The Bigger Your System, the Better

Purchasing a larger heating or cooling system doesn’t necessarily mean improved comfort and savings. Although an oversized system can effectively heat or cool your home, it’ll frequently cycle on and off. This leads to high humidity conditions in your home.

Other comfort issues like poor air distribution and dust from leaking ductwork might also occur. On the other hand, undersized systems run for much longer than necessary, driving up your energy bills. When replacing your HVAC system, a service technician should measure your home and completely analyze your current unit, including insulation levels and other crucial factors that contribute to choosing an ideal size and model.

Closing a Vent Saves Energy

Most homeowners close off specific rooms in their homes to save money and energy. Unfortunately, closing the door and shutting your vents doesn’t help you improve your home efficiency. Generally, manufacturers design modern forced-air HVAC systems to distribute cooling air evenly throughout your home.

So when you block the airflow, you’ll throw your system out of balance. This causes your HVAC system to work harder to perform its task, and it might eventually break down. Keep in mind that an overworked system wastes energy and leads to excessive wear and tear.

That’s why you should allow your system to distribute conditioned air evenly throughout your home irrespective of whether you regularly use other rooms. Besides preventing unnecessary energy consumption, this makes your house feel more comfortable overall.

Ceiling Fans Help Cool Your Home Even While You’re Away

Typically, ceiling fans neither heat nor cool a room. Instead, they work by circulating air throughout a specific space, making you feel more comfortable.

That said, only use your fan to supplement your heating or cooling when you’re inside the house. Remember to turn off your ceiling fans whenever you leave the house.

At McGee Heating & Air Inc., our licensed and certified service technicians provide top-rated residential and commercial HVAC services to Athens, GA. Whether you need a quick checkup or a simple AC repair, contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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