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Why is Using a Dehumidifier So Vital for Home Comfort in the Summer

Why is Dehumidfier Vital?

Summertime humidity has a direct impact on your comfort. High humidity makes you feel uncomfortable, even at a moderate temperature. With only your air conditioner running, your home may still be too humid. Read on to discover some of the benefits of using a dehumidifier throughout the summer months of the year in Anderson, SC.

Feel More Comfortable

When humidity levels are high, moisture sticks to your skin. Your body can’t cool itself. Whole-house dehumidifiers pull more moisture out of the air than your cooling system is able to remove. If you invest in a whole-home dehumidifier, your entire home’s humidity will be maintained within the ideal range of 30 to 50%. At this humidity level, your skin is able to efficiently release body heat.

Protect Your Health

Using a dehumidifier could help protect your health. In homes with dry air, there’s less dust. Bacteria and viruses can’t spread as easily in a home with low humidity. With fewer allergens and germs in your home’s air, you’ll be able to breathe more easily. You may not have to deal with nasal or sinus congestion, so you’ll feel better. You’ll also be less likely to catch a cold or another illness when your home’s humidity level is below 50%.

Improve Air Conditioner Effectiveness

Your air conditioner will be more effective when you use a whole-house dehumidifier. The dehumidifier cycles at the same time as the AC, and it uses the same system of air ducts and vents to pull in humid air and release dehumidified air. Whole-home dehumidifiers also purify the air, removing particles that could clog your air conditioner’s filter. Your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to maintain your home’s temperature, so you’ll save money on utility bills.

A whole-home dehumidifier is a convenient solution for controlling indoor humidity levels. A professionally-installed, whole-home dehumidifier reduces allergy and asthma triggers and helps you feel more comfortable. By boosting the air conditioner’s efficiency and effectiveness, dehumidifiers also save you money. To learn more about dehumidifiers, contact McGee Heating & Air Inc. today.

Image provided by Thinkstock

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