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Why Spring Is the Right Time for an AC Tuneup in Athens, GA

After Spring AC Tuneup

Early and mid-spring in Athens, GA, brings temperate weather and minimal need for air conditioning. While you might not need your cooling equipment daily until May or June, it’s important to have it serviced. Read on to learn why spring is the right time for an AC tuneup.

Stay Compliant With Your AC Manufacturer’s Warranty

All new air conditioners come with manufacturer warranties. These agreements cover the costs of AC replacement or repairs resulting from defective parts or faulty assembly. However, to keep manufacturer warranties active, warranty holders must schedule AC maintenance annually.

Scheduling this service in spring primes air conditioners for the summer heat. It also ensures that homeowners are already warranty-compliant if mid-season problems ever occur.

Avoid Cooling Emergencies

Although spring in Athens, GA, is temperate, summer is not. With June comes increasingly hotter weather and higher humidity. Having your AC system break down when the outside temperature soars places your household at risk of experiencing major discomfort.

When you have your AC system tuned up before summer arrives, it ensures that small and developing problems never have the chance to spiral out of control. During tuneups, service technicians can replace worn, missing and damaged parts.

Lower Your Summer Cooling Costs

Professional AC tuneup services increase the efficiency of cooling systems. With minimal stress and optimized airflow, air conditioners can cool homes faster and with less energy.

Ensure the Safety of Your Air Conditioner

Like all appliances hardwired into your home’s electrical system, central air conditioners can develop electrical problems over time. By checking for issues like worn electrical contacts and faulty circuit breakers, a maintenance appointment will make sure your AC system is safe for summertime use. As an added benefit, springtime AC tuneups also improve indoor air quality (IAQ).

Skipping an annual AC tuneup service can lead to poor air conditioning performance, higher cooling costs and a shorter equipment lifespan. For exceptional HVAC maintenance service in Athens, GA, get in touch with McGee Heating & Air Inc. today.

Image provided by iStock

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