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Ways Your HVAC System is Wasting Energy and How to Solve the Issue

Wasting Energy

Homeowners in Anderson, SC, enjoy some of the lowest energy rates in the country. But that doesn’t mean you don’t want to minimize your energy consumption and spend as little as possible. Your home’s HVAC system accounts for about half of your household’s annual energy bills. Therefore, it’s best to focus on optimizing its operation to reduce your heating and cooling expenses. Here’s how your HVAC system is wasting energy and how to solve the problem:

Still Using a Manual Thermostat

Are you still using a manual thermostat to adjust your HVAC system’s settings? Getting up and walking to the thermostat every time you want to change the temperature is a hassle, and you waste energy not doing so. Smart thermostats are state-of-the-art devices packed with a long list of features that help you stop wasting energy, including:

  • Offer pre-programmed settings for every day of the week.
  • Learn your habits and automatically adjust the temperature accordingly.
  • Give you remote control over your HVAC system from anywhere in the world.
  • Send you energy usage reports that help you pinpoint problematic areas.
  • Alert you when you need to change the filter or schedule maintenance.
  • Provide updated weather reports so that you can plan ahead.

Not Scheduling HVAC Maintenance

HVAC maintenance helps your air conditioning and heating systems operate at peak efficiency for their intended service lives. It’s an investment rather than an expense that pays you back with lower energy and repair bills. If you want to stop wasting energy, schedule air conditioner maintenance in the spring and heater maintenance in the fall.

Forgetting to Change the Filter

An HVAC professional should handle most maintenance tasks. But there’s one you can complete yourself to stop wasting energy: Change or clean your HVAC system’s filter every month. By doing so, you’ll also protect your indoor air quality.

Contact McGee Heating & Air Inc. to schedule your fall furnace maintenance visit or to learn more about our energy-saving systems and services. We’re here to help you stop wasting energy so that you can save money.

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