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Tips for Using Your Heat Pump in Hartwell, GA, More Efficiently

Heat Pump

An efficient heat pump offers multiple benefits, including more comfort, improved energy efficiency and reduced breakdowns. Therefore, it’s vital for homeowners in Hartwell, GA, to seek ways to improve their heat pump’s efficiency. If you’re looking for ways to boost efficiency, consider these four tips:

Change Your Air Filter Regularly

Your system draws air to heat and cool your home. This air passes through a filter before entering the system. The filter catches any pollutants in this air, ensuring the heat pump recirculates clean air.

Inevitably, the pollutants clog the filter as time goes by, and your system struggles to draw air through the blocked filter. Replacing your filter every 30 to 90 days is a great way to boost energy efficiency.

Schedule Heat Pump Maintenance Services

Heat pumps require regular tuneups to keep working efficiently. A maintenance visit helps to clean all dirty parts, fix faulty connections, lubricate moving parts and repair defective components. The service technician also inspects the wires connecting the heat pump to the thermostat to ensure there’s good communication between the two.

Avoid Cranking Up the Thermostat

Contrary to popular belief, your heat pump won’t warm your living space quickly when you crank up the thermostat. Instead, cranking up the thermostat makes your system work for an extended period. Overworking makes your heat pump’s parts wear out quickly.

Address Heat Pump Issues Quickly

When your system has faulty components, it displays some unusual behavior. For instance, it may:

  • Turn on and off multiple times.
  • Run constantly.
  • Produce weird smells and sounds.
  • Fail to turn on.
  • Fail to distribute temperatures evenly.

If you continue to ignore these signs, the underlying issue worsens. Therefore, request a service technician to inspect your system as soon as you detect anything unusual.

Boosting your heat pump’s efficiency increases the system’s lifespan, enabling it to serve you for an extended period. You can call McGee Heating & Air Inc. for quality heat pump services whenever you need a professional to check your system.

Image provided by iStock

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